About Us

Hello, I’m Ursula, wife to a great husband for almost 25 years and mother to three kids. I’m the designer behind all the scripture quotes at Beautiful Word.
Why scripture quotes?
Prior to designing scripture quotes my background was in web design and technology. Then I blogged for six years and finally in 2019 I decided to start my own business. Beautiful Word is the result of my love for design and God's word combined to bring home decor that has a clean a modern aesthetic.
The last decade has been a whirlwind for our family. We are raising almost three teenagers (ages 17, 14 and 12.) It is hard work to be a parent. I rely on God's word on an hourly basis and having His word in my home is life-giving.
Finally, memorizing scripture is key in my life. God's word has power. I hope and pray you find a verse that catches your attention. Then memorize it. Once God's word is in your mind and heart, you can access God's wisdom anywhere, anytime ;)
Thank you for being here and considering bringing our modern Bible verses designs into your home and lifestyle.